Friday, 8 April 2011


why women need to be hugged???

1. Hormon (oksitoksin)

when your spouse hugged you, automatically oksitoksin will be released from your body..this hormon have a reaction to the body whereby those being hugged will feel close and the level of intimacy will increased...

2. food for the soul

women who received hugs will have more stabile emotion, and feel safe, secure and more loved by the is the same as a baby, whereby they will automatically stop crying when you hugged them....interesting....

spontaneus hugs will make the other half feel happier, try it! hugs without the intention of sex activity will add happiness to the marriage...

love is in the air... so why wait????

hugs your love one now....and make it a the way, do not to this to the one that u are forbidden to hug!!! (salah disisi agama dan etika ye...).